Why does no one write like Tom Wolfe any more?
In a polarised culture, appetite for the late writer’s brand of wry conservative satire has waned – and he is partly to blame.
In a polarised culture, appetite for the late writer’s brand of wry conservative satire has waned – and he is partly to blame.
By Nick BurnsTravel was a vital part of the French thinker’s political philosophy, but this has largely been forgotten in today’s…
By Nick BurnsMalcolm Harris’s new book shows how Californian capitalism has thrived by exploiting an unequal world. But could the “Palo…
By Nick BurnsHow the painter stripped New York of its disorder to reveal its inhabitants’ solitude.
By Nick BurnsIt is right to condemn the writer’s violent chauvinism – but a literature that has lost the power to challenge…
By Nick BurnsIs the term helpful for a sentimentally stunted age?
By Nick BurnsCaptains of Silicon Valley may be investing in ways to live forever, but life expectancy for ordinary people in…
By Nick BurnsHow a bestselling debut novel about a group of murderous students became a cult classic.
By Nick BurnsWhy the city’s clash of cultures between progressive Brooklyn and transgressive Manhattan marks a new era in American politics.
By Nick Burns